The "Big Rocks" theory is a time management concept that emphasizes prioritizing the most important tasks in your life. Imagine your time as a jar. If you fill it with small rocks (less important tasks or distractions), there won't be enough room for the big rocks (your most significant tasks or goals). However, if you start by placing the big rocks in the jar first, the small rocks can still fit around them, filling in the gaps. The key takeaway is to focus on your highest priorities first, ensuring they have space in your schedule before less important activities.
Horizon's Big Rocks are as follows:
Horizon Big Rock: Safe & Caring
Horizon Goal: To ensure a safe and caring learning environment for all students and staff.
- By 2030, 100 per cent of Horizon School Division students and staff feel safe and cared for, physically and emotionally.
Horizon Big Rock: Literacy, Numeracy & Assessment
Horizon Goal: To ensure our students achieve a level of literacy and numeracy consistent with success beyond high school.
By June 2030, 100 per cent of:
- Students exiting Kindergarten will be ready for learning in the primary grades, as measured by the Early Years Evaluation (EYE)
- Grade 1-6 students will be reading at grade level or above, as measured by Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment (F+P)
- Grade 7-10 students will be reading at grade level or above, as measured by the Ontario Comprehension Assessment (OCA)
- Grade 4, 7, and 9 students will be at grade level or above in writing, as measured by the provincial holistic rubric
- Grade 2, 5, and 8 students will be at or above grade-level benchmarks in mathematical numeracy, as measured by the provincial holistic rubric.
Horizon Big Rock: Transition & Graduation Rates
Horizon Goal: To ensure successful completion of high school and readiness for life beyond the classroom.
- By 2030, 100 per cent of students will be graduating within a three or five-year time frame.